Cooperation with universities and research institutions
The consistent implementation of the research and development strategy is achieved at an early stage at both Trodat and Trotec through intensive cooperation with universities and non-university research institutions. At Trotec, a wide spectrum, from the drive technology of the future to laser physics, is worked on together with our partners. At Trodat, for example, the focus is on material developments relating to upcycling in order to fulfil the sustainable environmental protection concept and to optimise the constant improvement of stamp movement with dynamic simulations.
Virtual validation and simulation
Virtual validation and simulation deals with the (mathematical) description and ultimately the virtual simulation of laser machines. The machine can therefore be put into “operation” on the computer. These virtual tests allow the machine to be tested and optimised before it has even been built. To do this, Trotec uses state-of-the-art simulation tools such as Matlab/Simulink and ANSYS.
Design of future-oriented mechatronic systems
Mechatronics deals with the interaction between the areas of mechanics, electronics/electrical engineering and information technology. Trotec not only deals with the assembly of laser machines, but also the development of all of the machine’s mechatronic components, such as the associated mechanics and drive electronics. The machine control system required for this is, of course, also developed in-house by Trotec.
Development and application of the latest optimisation algorithms
The topic of optimisation has a wide range of applications in the field of technology. For example, to be able to cut laser materials at maximum speed, it is necessary to optimally control the machine through skilful acceleration and braking (like on a racetrack). Optimisations can also be carried out during construction of the laser machine. On one hand, the goal is to develop a robust machine and, on the other hand, to minimise the overall weight of the laser machine in order to be able to reduce the energy consumption of the machine during operation.
Laser physics and optics
Laser physics and optics play a prominent role at Trotec as the “heart” of our machines. We not only manufacture our own laser sources through our subsidiary Iradion, but we also deal with the integration of the sources and the development of highly efficient beam guidance systems for processing materials. The necessary high-voltage sources and the electronics for achieving maximum processing speeds are also of great importance to Trotec.
Digital image processing at the highest level
The increasing importance of image processing systems is also reflected in Trotec’s machines. That’s why we use the latest, high-resolution image acquisition systems with highly efficient algorithms to evaluate the images. Using these systems we are able to monitor and control many process steps.
Internet Of Things ‒ Software for networked systems
The software platform developed by us enables the digitalisation and networking of laser machines via the internet. We develop and use the latest cloud solutions and IoT frameworks to implement Internet Of Things (IoT)/Industry 4.0 requirements. By using artificial intelligence and data analysis algorithms, Trotec machines can “learn new things” over time and better support our users.
State-of-the-art software platforms
Our software uses state-of-the-art cloud and web technologies, such as the latest version of Angular, dotnet core and a very well-known No-SQL database. TypeScript/JavaScript and C# are used as programming languages. The machine-specific firmware is developed in C/C++. In addition to the constantly updated development environment, we also rely on distributed DevOps software tools to be able to develop high-quality software across our locations.
International team
True to the motto “an individual can achieve a lot, but together we’re unbeatable”, we rely on a distributed global development team at Trotec. Trotec has development locations in Europe, Asia and the USA. Although people often communicate in English, we never neglect local customs, or the respective national language and humour.
State-of-the-art methods in the development process and life cycle management
The use of state-of-the-art methods in the development process ensures that product ideas are quickly and efficiently turned into marketable products. In this way, we secure our position as technology leader in the global market and expand it further. In addition to classic project management as a basis, agile methods such as Scrum are used. The consistent orientation towards customer needs is guaranteed within the framework of system engineering. Modern CAD and PLM tools support the implementation of this.
Patents and designs
The numerous innovations in the TroGroup are protected by a consistent IP strategy. We currently have around 400 active patent families worldwide and around 230 designs.